How to make fresh flowers last longer

Florists singaporeFlowers can be used as the most inventive gifts and also as the most elegant decorative items. For both the uses, most people prefer to use fresh flowers. The beauty of fresh flowers is definitely way different from that of the artificial ones. Since there are plenty of flower shops Singapore offering all exotic varieties of flowers, you will be able to decorate your homes in the best manner or gift your dear ones on a special day in a meaningful manner. Even though buying fresh flowers is an easy task, keeping it fresh for long is something that people find tough to do. Here are few tips that will help to make fresh flowers last longer.

Using warm water, you can keep flowers fresh for a long time. As soon as you get the flowers delivered at your address, place it in water for a while. The water content will nourish the stems and petals alike. Most often flowers that are plucked out of the plants lose the beauty because of the loss in nourishment that occurs during the process. When you sprinkle water droplets on the petals of the flowers, it will look gorgeous. This process will help you to keep the flowers fresh for more than a couple of days after flowers delivery is completed by the florist.

Do not stuff in too many flowers in one vase. There is should be enough space for each flower in the vase. Too many flowers together in a vase will use up all the water in a short while which will cause dismay. The availability of oxygen is also an important factor which needs to be taken care of when you stuff flowers in a vase. You should avoid direct sunlight when the flowers are taken out of the plants. If you are buying flower plants, you should however the exact opposite and make sure that adequate sunlight falls on the plants.

Use a preservative that will help to kill the bacteria in the water. There are plenty of bacteria that might threaten the lives of flowers. You can buy preservatives that will provide no harmful effects to the flower from the flower stores in the country. It would also be available at the pesticide stores in your area.

After placing the cut flower in a flower pot, pour some water after day one. You should add one tablet of aspirin. Allow this to stay for a day and then repeat the same process on day two. Once you do this, you will not have to worry about the freshness of flowers for the next week. For all sorts of flowers that you buy from the florists Singapore, the process would be of great help. Since aspirins are easily available at cheap rates, you will not have to worry about the execution of this process at all. Using this process, you can decorate your homes with fresh flowers for over a week during the festival days.

Whenever you buy fresh flowers in the country, you can use these tips. Keeping flowers fresh for longer will give you prolonged happiness too!

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